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Showing posts from August, 2017

DRArchLab@USM Objectives

The DRArchLab@USM is initially setup to provide a platform to share the findings of researches conducted at this lab with a wider community on network. The lab is conducted by a group of researchers with a background in architecture, construction project management, and building technologist at the School of Housing, Building, and Planning (HBP) Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) at their main Minden Campus, Penang. The main objective outlined by DRArchLab is to create awareness on the importance of architectural, and engineering design of buildings and other structure to be responsive and resilient enough against natural disasters such as the tsunami, storm surge, floods, strong wind, and other disaster related impact on structures. The awareness is intentionally directed to the designers (architects, planners, and engineers) policy makers (decision maker), builders, and also the end-users (building owner).

HOME: Welcome, to Disaster Responsive Architecture Laboratory@USM

Welcome! To the Disaster Responsive Architecture Lab @USM. At DRArchLab@USM, our main focus is to assist in providing better solutions and suggestions, for those buildings (and the build environment in general) that are prone and affected by natural events (i.e. natural and man-made disasters, and natural elements). There are several categories of advisory and consultation services offered  covering three major fields of expertise: Architecture, Engineering, and Planning. For further inquiry regarding our services, please contact the DRArchLab Director via email at Director, DRArchLab@USM